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Which insurance should I choose for a quadricycle?

Quadricycles include quad bikes and unlicensed cars, or the whole "motorised land vehicle" family. They must be insured with third party liability cover, even if they are driven without a licence and by young drivers.

But this protection is minimal and only covers damage to third parties. It is therefore recommended that you take out an insurance extension. So what quadricycle insurance do you need to drive your Tiny licence-free vehicle?

Quadricycle insurance: Why insure my car?

The double protection of car insurance has been mandatory since the law of 27 February 1987.

The minimum guarantee covers all the damage you could cause while driving. It therefore protects third parties. By compensating the victims on your behalf, you are also protected, hence the 'double' protection. So, in the event of an accident, you don't have to pay anything. This means extra security and peace of mind for you.

All motorised vehicles must be insured, whether or not they have wheels: classic or unlicensed cars, scooters or two-wheelers, powerful electrically assisted bicycles, motorbikes, etc.

Quadricycle insurance: Compulsory cover

Drivers must take out insurance for their licence-free car. Although their maximum speed is limited to 45 km/h, in the event of a claim, a licence-free car insurance policy can compensate third-party victims if there is damage caused (bodily injury and property damage).

It is therefore compulsory to take out a public liability insurance (also called "third party insurance"). This is the legal minimum, also for quad bikes.

You can therefore choose only this third party insurance, but these insurances are limited and the driver's protection is not covered as you will not be reimbursed for the damage you and your vehicle have suffered.

There are therefore formulas with more coverage.

Quadricycle insurance: Additional cover

These optional guarantees provide better protection and compensation against all risks, including material damage (allows the reimbursement of all-accident damage: natural disasters, glass breakage, collision, towing and/or breakdown and repair costs, but also against theft, vandalism, etc.) and bodily injury (medical expenses, etc.). Depending on the different formulas, some insurance companies offer the loan of a vehicle in the event of a breakdown or even a temporary replacement vehicle while you rent or buy a car.

To ensure that they are insured against all possible risks, young drivers can therefore take out comprehensive insurance to cover any damage caused.


You can therefore choose between several formulas:

  • A third-party plan, which is the compulsory minimum, which includes third-party liability and compensates only third parties, but allows you to pay less
  • An intermediate formula, more protective than a simple third-party car insurance (possibility of theft cover, assistance cover, etc.)
  • An all-risk package, which protects against all possible losses, but requires a larger budget


For quads, both light and heavy, there are additional packages, many of them as recreational vehicles. You can ask about the option of insurance per kilometre: the amount you pay depends on the number of kilometres you drive.

Quadricycle insurance: How to choose it and insure your car without a licence?

On the internet, you will find many insurance comparison sites, which will allow you to get a free quote to compare offers and get the best rate, adapted to your budget.

Compare insurers to find the right insurance for your needs, with just a few clicks. If you are not comfortable with the internet, some insurance companies have physical branches that can advise you on taking out insurance.

The green card, issued after subscription, must be visible and up to date on the cart. In addition, you should always carry a certificate of insurance to present to the police in the event of a check.

Quadricycle insurance: What happens if I am not insured?

The law requires all drivers to be insured. Driving without insurance is an offence. Regardless of the type of vehicle (also for unlicensed quads), an insurance policy is mandatory.

Insurance policies provide legal protection in the event of an at-fault accident. Whether licence-free cars are on the public highway or on private property, used or abandoned, they must be insured.

If you are not insured, you risk a fine of up to €3,750 or even community service in the event of an accident.

In addition, if you are found liable for damages, without vehicle insurance, you will have to pay for the repairs, damages and interest caused. The sums involved can run into the tens of thousands of euros. You may also receive a penalty or be struck off by the insurance companies. The vehicle may be immobilised or confiscated. You can be banned from driving any type of licence-free car or not, for up to 5 years.

We therefore strongly advise you to insure your quadricycle, so that you can enjoy every moment of freedom with complete peace of mind!

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H2 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

H3 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

Nulla non metus ac dui vehicula iaculis. Etiam rhoncus quis tellus a ornare. Sed neque lorem, lobortis ac augue ut, eleifend viverra turpis. Morbi urna nisl, varius ut mattis in, molestie id augue. Ut fermentum dignissim ligula, blandit iaculis metus eleifend eget. Praesent ut volutpat magna. Donec finibus urna sed dolor sollicitudin accumsan vel ac nunc.

H3 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

Nulla non metus ac dui vehicula iaculis. Etiam rhoncus quis tellus a ornare. Sed neque lorem, lobortis ac augue ut, eleifend viverra turpis. Morbi urna nisl, varius ut mattis in, molestie id augue. Ut fermentum dignissim ligula, blandit iaculis metus eleifend eget. Praesent ut volutpat magna. Donec finibus urna sed dolor sollicitudin accumsan vel ac nunc.

H4 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

Nulla non metus ac dui vehicula iaculis. Etiam rhoncus quis tellus a ornare. Sed neque lorem, lobortis ac augue ut, eleifend viverra turpis. Morbi urna nisl, varius ut mattis in, molestie id augue. Ut fermentum dignissim ligula, blandit iaculis metus eleifend eget. Praesent ut volutpat magna. Donec finibus urna sed dolor sollicitudin accumsan vel ac nunc.

H2 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

H3 Nam aliquet, justo a vehicula

Nulla non metus ac dui vehicula iaculis. Etiam rhoncus quis tellus a ornare. Sed neque lorem, lobortis ac augue ut, eleifend viverra turpis. Morbi urna nisl, varius ut mattis in, molestie id augue. Ut fermentum dignissim ligula, blandit iaculis metus eleifend eget. Praesent ut volutpat magna. Donec finibus urna sed dolor sollicitudin accumsan vel ac nunc.

Nulla non metus ac dui vehicula iaculis. Etiam rhoncus quis tellus a ornare. Sed neque lorem, lobortis ac augue ut, eleifend viverra turpis. Morbi urna nisl, varius ut mattis in, molestie id augue. Ut fermentum dignissim ligula, blandit iaculis metus eleifend eget. Praesent ut volutpat magna. Donec finibus urna sed dolor sollicitudin accumsan vel ac nunc.

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